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Peanut Balls for Labour

The peanut ball is a great tool for helping labour progress for women resting in bed or with an epidural. It can be used between the legs to facilitate the opening of the pelvic outlet.

There are 2 ways of using the peanut ball:

  • Semi reclined position with one leg over the ball
  • Side lying or semi prone with the peanut ball between the legs.

The mother's comfort level is key to knowing the right placement of the peanut ball.

Mums experiences are that it can promote dilatation and descent in Labour and also help the baby rotate from a posterior position into a more favourable position for delivery.

The peanut ball is a very simple tool and can be very effective in Labour.

  • There are various sizes of peanut balls:
  • 40cm - Recommended for women who are under 5'3"
  • 50cm - Recommended for women who are 5'3" to 5'6" (Most common size)
  • 60cm - Recommended for women who are5'7" or taller or obese women

Further research by Christina Tussey and Emily Botsios can be found at:
Decrease the Length of Labor with the Use of a Labor Ball with Patients That Receive An Epidural

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The Simple Cabbage Leaf

Have you ever heard of cabbage leaves being used to decrease inflammation?

Yes, it's true, cabbage leaves have for centuries been used to treat inflammation and are especially useful for engorged breasts. In breasts, this is particularly relevant on day three when the breasts start lactating. Swelling prevents the flow of milk and it is exactly in this area that cabbage leaves can help. Reducing this inflammation makes breasts much more comfortable, enhances the flow of milk and makes it easier for the baby to latch on.

If you're engorged, simply place the cabbage leaves inside your bra. They can be either chilled or at room temperature, but are better chilled. You can leave them on until they wilt and then should apply new ones. This can be repeated as often as needed for comfort.

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